Sunday, December 30, 2012

Isaac's Christmas Program

The day after Elliot was discharged from the hospital, Isaac's class had it's Christmas program. Elliot came with us but we hung out in the back and completely covered...not the place to bring a preemie during flu/RSV season! This year instead of doing the whole school at once, they did one class at a time. Each student (or group of students) were highlighted during each song. Originally, Isaac was supposed to  be Santa Claus and had one line. You guessed it, "ho ho ho." haha. But he fought tooth and nail until he got out of it. He ended up being a Christmas tree decorator along with some other students. Isaac was so excited to see us there-Nanny and Grandma were able to come as well. Here are some pics and video. My favorite was when they entered the church and he just lit up and was waving at us!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

He did so good and looks super cute!