Saturday, January 31, 2009

I love my feet!

So, Isaac found his feet quite awhile ago, but now he is constantly playing with them and putting them in his mouth. It comes in handy though, when I change his diaper, he holds his legs up for me. I can't believe how fast he's growing.
His foot was stuck in his gym!

Isaac is 4 months old!

My precious little man. Time is flying. Before we know it, he'll be crawling!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Houston bound!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Isaac and I will be moving to Houston this weekend because my internshp starts on Tuesday. Please pray for us that everything works out and that Andrew gets a job there so that our family can stay together. It'll be tough but I know that God would not give us anything that we can't handle. We are so thankful for everyone that has helped us out in our transition. We are so lucky to have such a caring family always ready to help.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Isaac: He Who Laughs

That is the true meaning of his name. I swear, this boy thinks everything is funny. Here's a video of some laughing. The best laughs are towards the end.


Just in case you're wondering...this is what 133.65 oz of breastmilk looks like. Those are 2 big tupperwares in the back that are full. Good thing my mom doesn't need a lot of space in her freezer! haha

Welcome, 2009

Hope everyone had a great one. 2008 has been incredible because of the addition of Isaac. I can't wait to see what this year brings for our family!

Merry Christmas!

So, of course this was Isaac's first Christmas and we had a blast with him. In my family it's tradition to open presents at midnight on Christmas morning but we let Isaac sleep and we did his presents after we had breakfast and opened presents with Nanny, Poppy, Great Gram, and Great Grandad. By the time he opened presents at my mom's house, he was sleeping. Oh well, I don't think he really cared anyway! All in all, Isaac got a lot of clothes, toys, music, some books, a savings bond, and he is also the owner of a stock now =). Oh! And I can't forget-his Tat got him a Hooters giftcard and bib. He knows how much Isaac loves hooters. HAHA
Merry Christmas!
Some of Isaac's presents

He was really excited-haha

Isaac is 3 months old!

I know I say this everytime...but I can't believe he's 3 months old! I love to sit and watch him grow each day and just explore his world.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Boob Man

I love this picture...if it looks like a nipple, Isaac puts it in his mouth. And apparently Andrew's nose looks like a nipple. HAHA!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Breastfeeding Update

Many people ask me how long I've breastfed, so I decided to update everyone on how breastfeeding is going. Now before I start, let me say that I do not judge people who do not is a personal choice. I am still breastfeeding and it is going great. Before I even got pregnant, I knew that this was something that I wanted to do. We did have a rough start though with Isaac in the NICU and it was extremely hard to learn how to breastfeed while he was connected to all of those wires. I was very lucky because ideally you don't want to introduce a bottle until a baby is 4-6 weeks old. The reason for that time is because it is a lot easier for a baby to suck from a bottle than from a breast. For most babies, once a bottle is introduced so young, he or she will not take the breast. If you wait too long, many babies will not take a bottle because they're too used to the breast. Isaac had one when he was 3 days old because he was having a hard time latching on. As he started getting better in the NICU, we weaned him off the bottle and onto the breast. It was a little tough...but I was not giving up.

Many people have trouble breastfeeding because a baby may have a strong suck. If the baby is not latched on correctly (or sometimes even if he or she is) it can be very painful and cause bleeding and blisters. I am lucky enough to not have that happen.

I have to say that sometimes breastfeeding may get difficult because I don't want him to have bottles all the time. This means I can't be away from him for more than 3 hours. Breastfeeding is all about supply and demand. A pump does not get out as much milk as Isaac would when he nurses so everytime I pump instead of feed, I don't get as much milk out...which (if done too much) will cause my supply to go down. Now, I'll have to do this when I start my internship but I don't have to yet so I won't. My hopes are to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months and then continue on for a year once Isaac starts solids. I just have to continue to keep my supply up.

I hope people that think about breastfeeding will read this and know they can do it if they want. I've always been an advocate for breastfeeding, but like I said before, it's a personal decision and in no way do I judge people who don't breastfeed. But if you do want to do it, it's so worth it. I can't think of a closer way that I can bond with Isaac. It's special to me that I'm the only one that can feed him (except every now and again when he gets a bottle). But even then, he gets breastmilk. Hope everyone enjoyed my breastfeeding 101. hehe