Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Isaac, meet Elliot

Today was another great day. We got to the south shore a lot sooner than yesterday, so I was able to be there for two feedings. When I spoke with his nurse in the morning, she said that he drank all 35 ml at 9:00! When we fed  him at 12, he took 20 ml of his 35. I think he was just super comfy in daddy's arms. They've also upped the calories in the breastmilk from 22 cal/oz to 24 cal/oz. He's been gaining weight well.

Now that he is in an open bed, he is so much more accessible. I can pick him up and hold him as long as I want, and I've been changing all his diapers while I'm there. In fact, today I was there for 4 hours and changed 5 poop diapers! Guess it's safe to say that his GI tract is working well. Haha. They've also started putting little shirts on him so today I brought some of Isaac's smallest looking newborn onesies. I tried looking for preemie onesies everywhere but it wasn't until tonight that I found some at Carter's. They are TOO cute...can't wait to see him in them! I took a picture of one of them next to Andrew's flip flop for size comparison. Haha.


When I put him to breast today, he was more interested. He latched on a few times but it wasn't a good strong latch. He was able to get some milk though-the nurse checked his belly to see if any milk made it in and it did :).

And as you may tell from the title, the best part about today was that Isaac was able to see Elliot! Our nurse set it up so that he can see him through a window. He was waving and blowing kisses at his brother. It was a very sweet moment.

Tomorrow is my follow up appointment with my OB for my blood pressure. My readings have been good on my medication, so hopefully we won't need to make any changes. Just wanted to say thank you all again for all the prayers for our family. We couldn't ask for a better support system during this time. We're just saying our prayers that he's home before Christmas.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

This was a great post! I am so glad he is doing well and you were able to spend a lot of time with him today. And I love the picture of Isaac meeting Elliot. They are going to be pals for life!

Hope the doctor goes well-will say a prayer.

Love yall