Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fall Pictures

Nanny and I took Isaac to get pictures taken in Audubon Park for fall. Even though he wasn't interested in the slightest, the pictures came out adorable! Thank you, Nanny. Here are my favorites...

Giving Thanks

Isaac's daycare had a Thanksgiving luncheon the week before Thanksgiving. I had enough notice to be able to get out of work, so it was nice that we were both able to go. Isaac was acting up when we first got there, but he eventually ate all his food like the little monster he is. Here are some pics.

For Thanksgiving Day, we spent the day with Daddy's side of the family. It was really nice because Poppy's sister and her family came in all the way from Maryland and we were all able to be together. It was Isaac's first time meeting them. We also had Uncle Todd there, great Grammy and Grandad, Nanny and Poppy, and Grandma. The food was great but it was even more great to get together with everyone.

We are so thankful for everything that God has blessed us with, especially for our precious little man.

Another Health Scare

Just wanted to let you know that we had to bring Isaac to the hospital again two weeks ago. He had another hypoglycemic episode overnight, and in the morning he had some more seizure-like activity. He wasn't admitted this time, but we were able to move the geneticist appointment up. He told us that some of Isaac's labs are a little funky and we got some more bloodwork this past weekend. These are genetic, chromosomal tests and need to be sent off. We won't get back results for 6-8 weeks. He did tell us what he's thinking, but he also warned that he doesn't have a lot of information yet. He's thinking possibly a glycogen storage disease or a mitochondrial disorder. I only know about glycogen, nothing about mitochondrial disorders. And I'm not going to kill myself trying to figure it out.

For now, we're just praying for the best and taking care of our boy in the meantime. He's doing great as you can see by all the pics.Now that we've had an episode at home, we're much more prepared. I have been checking his glucose in the middle of the night and if it's already dipping, then we have to wake him up and feed him. Other than that, we're armed with glucose gel that we can rub in his mouth to get his glucose up quickly. I also have glucagon that I can inject in his thigh if I can't get it up and the seizure is not stopping. Hopefully I won't ever have to use that.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We have trust in God :)

Big boy!

Last weekend, we finally decided to convert Isac's crib to a the daybed. We had made the decision to wait until he was ready to change it, meaning when he was started to try to escape his crib. And that wasn't until recently. At night once we put him to bed, he would start crying and when we'd check on him his thigh was stuck between the slats. We knew it was time. He has been doing AMAZING! We have the monitors on and on the weekends I hear him piddling around until he starts knocking banging on the door to let him out. Once we put him to bed, he's been going straight to sleep. We are so proud of him!

Helping daddy

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween Weekend

So I'm such a last minute mom, that I didn't actually buy Isaac a costume. haha. I worked with what we had. On Saturday we took Isaac to a pumpkin patch where we tried to get some pictures...didn't work out too well. We also went to one of his cousin's birthday party. We dressed him as a Mexican soccer player and he was too cute! We carved pumpkins with his Tio Shane Saturday night. We tailgated all day on Sunday for the Saints game so we had Saints themed costumes...he was Sean Payton but was not liking his headset! He spent most the day and the afternoon with Nanny and Poppy. I think he had a fun weekend!

Hospital Stay

Recently we had a major scare with Isaac that resulted in a hospital stay and I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on. One morning Andrew got Isaac up for school and kept telling me how tired he was, and he even fell when he tried to walk. I didn't see the fall and I didn't think too much about it. When we got to daycare, the same thing happened but he was really out of it so I came back home and tried to give him something to drink. We brought him to his doctor and he was getting worse and worse. By the time we were called back, he had a seizure. We took an EMS to the hospital and we found out on the way that his glucose was low...very low. In the ER he was taken care of and then admitted to the hospital to try to find the cause of his hypoglycemia. We stayed for two nights. He was doing well during that time, and they took some bloodwork. In December we have to follow up with a geneticist. They want to rule out metabolic disorders that may be the cause of his hypoglycemia. It may just be a case of hypoglycemia, which is possible. Because of the speech delay, they have reason to think it may be more.

So now we just pay extra attention to how long he goes between feedings. He loves to eat, so this isn't a problem. They think it may have happened since he was about to get sick (two days later he had an ear infection and bronchiolitis). I bought a glucometer and have to stick his finger when I feel necessary. I did it every morning for a week after the incident and only a couple times after that. They've all been normal. I'll keep you guys posted on what the geneticist says. In the meantime, please keep him in your prayers!