Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pregnancy etiquette

Ok, I love being pregnant. But there are definitely some things that I didn't know about being all the stupid/ridiculous questions or comments that people will throw at you. You see, I really think that other people just feel the need to say something to a pregnant woman so they say anything...and I do mean ANYTHING. I know they mean I just try to stay calm. But really,  no need to get all up in my business. In honor of my baby boy being almost here, here are some statements/questions that you should never say or ask a pregnant woman unless you're already close to the person and talk about personal things. So, these are not intended for ya'll not to ask me or anything. It's just a chance for me to get some things off my chest. I just find it extremely rude when someone that I barely know will come up and ask me if I'm getting an epidural. Here you go =)
  • Was it planned? Yeah, I'm serious. People that I am not close to have asked me this question. Ok, you're basically asking me about my sex life.
  • Go ahead and eat it, you're eating for two now! Ok, no I'm not. I'm eating for me and someone the size of a fruit. And did I mention that I have a BS in dietetics?
  • Should you be eating/drinking that? Are you kidding me?! Shut up. Now. My body. My baby. Again, would you ever say that to someone who wasn't pregnant??
  • You look like you're about to pop!/Are you due like next week?  Ok, that's not how babies are born. I'm not gonna pop...ever. I'm gonna shove him out of my vagina. And you don't need to guess my due date. If you're curious, just ask.
  • Judgement on decisions ex. breastfeeding, epidural, induction, circumsicion, etc. They are just that. Our decisions. We didn't make these lightly, and I educate myself on every decision that I make. If you don't agree, I really don't care. Nor do I need to explain myself.
  • Any comment about body size Do I even need to explain myself? No. 
  • Acting like I'm baby illiterate This is THE ULTIMATE WORST. Just because I'm not a mom yet, doesn't mean that I'm baby stupid. However, I am no expert and I am very open to advice. In fact, I am constantly calling people to ask them things that I don't know...or to get their opinion. I don't need to hear things like, "Get sleep now because when the baby won't sleep!" Well, DUH! If I could sleep, I would. I've been around babies before. In fact, I have 2 younger brothers. No need to tell me that babies don't sleep through the night. REALLY?? That's news to me. And no need to tell me how breastfeeding is good for my baby. Thanks. Again, did I mention that I have a BS in dietetics?? Oh yeah,  and don't tell me that it's impossible to breastfeed for for 6 months because you couldn't. Let me live my own life...everyone is different. No need to be smug.
I promised myself awhile ago that I won't be one of those moms that pushes unwanted advice or ask rude qustions to people I don't know. I just think that maybe other people out there didn't get that memo. But for you people that I know and love...go ahead and ask away! You know I'm all about talking TMI. HAHA. Love you all!

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