Wednesday, August 20, 2008

34 Weeks

So, I made 34 weeks yesterday. That means I'm big and my belly button is really shallow. This is what my insides look like:
Is anyone else freaked out by that picture?? I am. And see that organ right under the head that's not labeled? Yeah, that's my bladder. And baby Isaac is head down already which means his noggin is directly on my bladder at all times.  So here's what is going on at 34 weeks (according to and

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 lbs (like your average canteloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. His fat layers are filling him out, making him rounder. His skin is almost smoother than ever. His central nervouse system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well. You'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no health problems generally do fine. Baby's hair continues to grow longer and thicker. Your baby is also taking calcium from you to lay down lots of bone. Be sure to continue to take your prenatal vitamins and to drink milk. The baby now rests on your uterus and is no longer floating. Fingernails now reach over the fingertips and he can now scratch himself.

By this week, fatigue has probably set in again though maybe not the same coma-like intensity as the first trimester. Your tiredness is perfectly understandable, given the physical strain you're under and the restless nights of frequent pee breaks and tossing and turning, while trying to get comfortable. Now's the time to slow down and save up energy for labor day (and beyond). If you've been sitting or lying down for a long time, don't jump up too quickly. Blood can pool in your feet and legs, causing a temporary drop in your blood pressure when you get up that can make you feel dizzy.

5-6 more weeks to go!! =)

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