Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dear Baby Isaac,

I'm sorry that I'm drinking a McDonald's Iced Coffee. It is sugar free though. As if you hadn't noticed, we're kind of sharing a body right now. So when you only allow me to sleep for 4 hours, I must resort to drastic measures such as these in order to work an 8 hour shift. Mommy can't hang like she used to. And she gets horrible allergies if she doesn't sleep (hence the reason why you keep getting jerked around...that's a SNEEZE!) See, my uterus is not a bouncy house. Especially not at 3 am. During the day, bounce away. When I'm not working anymore, you can stay up all night and bounce and then I will sleep all day. But PLEASE help me for the next week or so. I do still love you though...and will continue to give you chocolate chip cookies because I know you like them so much. That's why I eat them. For you =) I love you and can't wait to meet you!!

Love, mommy

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