Wednesday, July 23, 2008

30 Weeks and Baby Isaac in 3D!!

Ok, so we got the 3D ultrasound today! It was awesome to get to see our little one, but I was a little disappointed. His face was smooshed up against the placenta the whole time! So it was foggy looking. And when he did back up a little, he had his legs criss crossed over his head and his feet on his forehead (which you can see in the pics). He did stick his tongue out for us and he was sucking on something...I think it was his toes. was cute. He's measuring ok...his head is measuring for a 34 week old! I can thank Andrew for that. He thinks it's funny but when I'm pushing that head out, we'll see who's laughing. Here's a hint: NOT HIM. Overall, all his measurements indicate that I am 32 weeks along, so not far off. It just means, once again that he is big. He has a little hair, but not too much. Which is a suprise to me. I know you can't really tell, but we got to see some features. He has Andrew's mom's nose =) and Andrew's lips and head. Andrew said that he has my feet because he saw a big gap between the big toe and the other toes. HAHA...he's not happy about that. =) He weights about 3lbs 10oz. right now. Anyways, enjoy the pics.

As for how I'm doing, pretty good. I'm tired. And uncomfortable. I can't see my own crotch. I know, that's WAY too much information. I can reach and see my feet but it's not comfortable to do my own nails...I might make Andrew later. HAHA. I can't believe we're in the homestretch. Only 10 more weeks to go! This week I went to the dr. and all is well. Starting week 32 I might as well move in the hospital though because I have to go every 2 weeks like normal AND twice a week for ultrasound and monitoring because of my high bp. blah. At least I won't be working anymore. That's right last day is August 2 and I have to say that it is not my decision. But hey, EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Love to all!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

How Awesome! Thanks for sharing. You are almost there hang in there and enjoy your time off.