Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Singing in Church

This week at Isaac's daycare was "Week of the Young Child." It started off last Sunday with the preschool singing in church. When they told me that they would be singing, I couldn't imagine Isaac actually doing it. In fact, I couldn't even imagine him standing still at the front of the church. But then starting on Friday he was starting to sing the same song over and over again at home. I guess he was practicing! haha. The kids sang about 4 or 5 little, short songs. For the first 2 songs, he looked scared. It made me sad..he was in the front row and he sure did look cute! Once he spotted us in the third song he eased up a bit. Then he sang the last 2 songs. He did so good! He did the motions and everything! We are so proud of our baby boy :)After church, they had a little carnival and he had a blast!

I did take video of the whole thing on the camcorder but we're having technical difficulties getting it on the laptop. I'll have to post that later. For now, I some pics.


Ashley said...

AWE so cute! I can't wait to see the video.

Selene said...

It's so funny! He just stood there forever and then it was like they were on a song he liked! He loved it :) Might be a karaoke star like his mom! haha

Maria said...

Too cute!!! I love watching little kids sing, so precious!