Thursday, June 20, 2013

Elliot is 6 months old!

I can't believe it! Really...I know I say it every month, but SIX MONTHS?? Wow. He currently weighs 17 lbs 6 oz and is 25.25 inches long. His weight/age is 25th-50th percentile (for a regular 6 month old!), length is 3-10th percentile, making his weight/length between the 90-97th percentile :). And you can tell! haha, Dr. Defusco is so pleased with his progress. The majority of his development is in line with a term 6 month old...although one noticeable thing is the need to sharpen his fine motor skills. He's getting there! My little man is a chunky bundle of joy! He is very pleasant and loves to laugh and smile. He is working on sitting up on his own (he's still using his hands). He is rolling and scooting around like crazy! His favorite things are big brother's old jumperoo, his gym, and just a plain old blanket on the floor.

He has no teeth yet, but his gums sure are bothering him. In fact I just bought him one of those vibrating teether things and he seems too like it so far. All the ladies love him at daycare and say that he's so pleasant. He's still breastfeeding well and taking 5 oz bottles while I'm at work.

My favorite thing is watching him and Isaac together!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Happy Half Birthday Elliot!!! We love you.