Monday, July 12, 2010

Speech Update

Well, he's still not talking much. But he did start saying one thing that makes me smile...MAMA! Yes. Finally! But there's no way I can get it on camera yet. He won't even say it in front of people but I swear, he says it! Early Steps came and evaluated him at home with Andrew a couple of weeks ago and they basically said the same thing that the speech therapist said. He's not using his consonants and he's behind but he's can definitely communicate with us. They also said his cognitive skills are great. We're waiting for a call to see if he got accepted for treatment yet. The evaluator said that he might not until he's two (that's when a lot of doctors actually start worrying about it). As for us, we're just putting our faith in God and trying to stay positive.

He is mimicking noises though and this video had me cracking up. I can't believe I caught it on camera! Nanny taught him the lion from his zoo toys. I've been working on the dog noise (even though it sounds more like a monkey) and who knows where he learned the trumpet from!


Dustin and Jody said...

He will talk when he is ready. He is just not ready yet. Love that lion sound, all little boys love making the lion sound, seems perfectly normal to me.

Ashley said...

I finally got to hear it! So glad he is starting to talk and saying mama! I know you guys are working hard.