Happy New Year to everyone! Our family is in a great place right now. I want to reflect on 2010 for a minute and think about some of ours highs and lows.
-We were in New Orleans the whole year. This was great! We love being closer to family and friends, especially now that we have Isaac. It's amazing how quickly he grows and I've always wanted him to be near loved ones.
-Andrew started school again. He's about to start his third semester at UNO now and is doing great. He's still majoring in electrical engineering.
-Andrew and I had our four year anniversary. And even crazier, we celebrated ten years together! We were so young when we met that I think the odds were against us (especially being long distance for so long!) But, we're doing great and growing together.
-We moved into our own place. It's great to have all our stuff back again and have our own space and yard, and carport...haha.
-Isaac had some health problems. I'm keeping ya'll updated. But, we're staying positive and managing what we can right now :)
-Isaac's in a great school and has a speech therapist. We see some progress with his speech. He tries to say things like "oval" and "apple." He also says "hop" and "hot." His new school is AMAZING. He's only been there for a week, but we love it so far.
-As for me, well...I'm still at the same job. I'm learn more about pediatrics everyday as I try to guide families in the right direction with the nutritional choices. Professionally, I have some plans for this year!
-Oh yeah, did I mention that the Saints won the Superbowl? :)
Overall, we're doing great and can't wait to see what 2011 has in store for our family!! Thank you for being in our lives.
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