Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Midnight Snack

For the first time that we've been checking Isaac's glucose at night, I had to wake him up last night and feed him. It's so scary to think that if I didn't wake him up, he probably would have had another episode. I stayed up late and before I went to bed, I checked it and it was 75. For it only being 12:30, that's pretty low. I checked it again just to make sure and it was 81. That's still pretty low. It's just weird because he's been acting completely normal. Now that the glucose was running low I'm wondering if he's getting sick. Anyway, I woke him up which was a task in itself, and gave him a piece of bread with peanut butter and milk. It was pretty funny to see that even though he was half asleep he had no problem eating the bread. haha. I went back to sleep and woke up 2 hours later to get a normal value.

His pediatrician will be calling the specialists on Wednesday to see if his genetics tests came back. In the meantime, we've got to make sure he gets his cornstarch before bed. I guess we slacked off a bit...well, as long as we stay ahead of the game then we're ok.

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