Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Catching Up on Belly Pics

Just as suspected...I have not been doing as much blogging this time around. haha. Well, I have been taking my belly pics though. I have to say, I am definitely looking bigger now that I looked with Isaac at this time. I've pretty much made the switch to most maternity/elastic bottoms. I'm just much more comfortable...especially after lunch :).

I'll be 18 weeks on Friday and I'm feeling great. I'm starting to feel little thumps now :). It's so exciting! Next Wednesday we find out the sex...Isaac is insisting it's a boy, which is making me think so too. Although Isaac's premonition may actually just be wishful thinking on his part. haha.

Enjoy the belly pics!

8 weeks

12 weeks

16 weeks


Ashley said...

AWWWWW Hi baby Muller-we can't wait to find out what you are-we are voting girl over here.
Aunt Nini the kids loved seeing your pregnant belly.

Dustin and Jody said...

6Boo you are too skinny to be preggers!! congrats on closing today, I want to see pictures!!