Thursday, February 3, 2011


This week Isaac will start receiving speech twice a week. We're hoping this starts to speed up the process. Since switching schools, we've noticing him doing better. He usually doesn't use words spontaneously, but he'll repeat. Here is a list of words he is saying:
-da (usually "DA!!!!!" haha)
-hippo (although it's more like "hip")
-poo poo (just recently)

He also said "Suzy" which is my cousin's dog's name. haha. And he said "oval" a few times and "apple" a few times. Animal noises include:
-moo (more like "mbooooo")
-woo woo (woof woof)
Rachel notes that he says "hat" but we haven't heard it.

Like I said, some of these things have only been said a couple times so far but he's trying. And it's not like it's clear as day...but we can tell that's what he's trying to say. We're hearing him make sounds that he's never made before and that's encouraging. We are so blessed to be able to get speech. Ms. Rachel is great! :)

1 comment:

Dustin and Jody said...

GREAT news!! keep up the good work Isaac!!