Thursday, June 25, 2009

Isaac is 9 months old!!

This is getting difficult...I didn't have time for the frame this time.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Isaac + Teething Biscuit =


It's amazing how quickly Isaac is progressing in his skills. He's always just been doing things on his own time and schedule but since Andrew's been gone, he's fast forwarded quite a bit. It appears that he'll be walking soon.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Standing Up

I lowered the mattress in Isaac's bed the other day thinking he would stand in there soon. After I lowered it I put him in there so I can take Molly out and when I came back this is what I saw. It's amazing how fast he has grown in the past week. The other picture is him pulling up on the coffee table.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


So far Isaac eats everything I give him without any complains until now...last night I gave him broccoli and he was gagging. Ok it's not really funny, but it kind of is. Check it out. Guess we'll have to try that one later.

First tooth!

I almost forgot to post this one...Isaac cut his first tooth last weekend. I didn't take pictures because it's just a tiny spec right now but I'll definitely take some when it's more visible. Gone are the days of his gummy smiles =( .And I'm scared for my nipples. HAHA


Last night I had the hiccups and I had Isaac on my lap. He kept laughing and I couldn't figure out why. We figured it out and grabbed the camera...

Fine Dining

Yesterday was Andrew and I's third anniversary. On Monday, my dad and Holly came in town and took us out to eat. The restaurant was interesting and we had a lot of fun! Thank ya'll!! Yesterday we also went out to eat and we didn't even look for a babysitter (Although Ashley volunteered! Thank you). So Isaac has been doing some fine dining lately. I enjoy dressing him up and he usually behaves himself in public but last night was just ridiculous! He chose that time to grab chopsticks off the table and chew on them. Needless to say, we had fun.
At Fugo de Chao
Tat and Omi

With daddy at PF Changs

3 years!

Big Boy!

So Isaac has been crawling on his belly for awhile now but last Sunday he just got on all fours and started crawling like a big boy! It's so cute to watch. Since he's learned that he's started pulling up things and crawling all over everything. haha

Isaac's First Swim!

So one Sunday we decided to take Isaac out to the pool for his first swim. As we suspected, he had a lot of fun! Take a look...
Sunblock in his mouth...