Ok, now that Isaac is home I'll give all the info on his birth just for those who want ALL the details. HAHA. So, I went to the hospital last Monday, the 22nd for a regular NST and he failed as usual so they ordered me to do a fluid check and a bpp. Although he did pass, they noticed that my fluid was low. Because I was 38 weeks, 6 daysthey decided to induce for the fact that "he would do better outside than inside of me at this point." I was shocked! Not expecting that one...In fact, my mom was on a plane on her way to Hawaii. So they brought me to labor and delivery and checked me. I was only 1 cm. This was scary because I was just hoping that everything would work to get me all the way from 1-10 cm. So they gave me a pill (Cytotec) which would help to dilate me and inserted a foley with a 3-4 cm balloon on the end. It would cause pressure on my cervix and cause it to dilate...when it came out then I was 3-4 cm along. All that worked and in the meantime, I started to have contractions. Holy cow...so I imagined what a contraction felt like and it wasn't anything like that. HAHA. Andrew also left to go get my mom who had no idea what the hell was going on. Well, they gave me another dose of Cytotec. It worked well and it was good because they waited 4 hours to check me. Made the time go by fast. They then broke my water...and waited to see if it would help me to dilate. When they checked again, I was 5-6 cm. They were about to start the pitocin and they offered up the epidural. Yeah, give me some of that! I swear, my hat goes off to people who don't get it. At this point, the pain was honestly bearable, but I knew it would get worst especially with the pitocin, which is known to cause more painful contractions. I was terrified of the epidural but it was decent and so worth it. After that, I could feel the pressure from some of the contractions but that's about it. At this point, they told us that Isaac's heartrate was dropping after each contraction, which meant the placenta was not doing it's job of delivering oxygen after the contractions...if the pitocin wasn't going to work fast enough then they would do a c-section. They also had me wear an oxygen mask to make sure he was getting enough. At this point I was supposed to rest but...not possible. While my mom and Andrew were sleeping I starting feeling the contractions and told the nurse that I either had to poop or that I needed to push. When she checked me, I was 9cm! That was quick. So then they prepped me for the pushing. I did that for a little over an hour. When Isaac came out the first thing I noticed was the HUGE conehead. HAHA...it went down pretty quickly though. And he was so much smaller than anticipated. Only 6 lb, 5.6 oz. He looks so long and skinny. For those who know about Apgars...he did great with 2 9's =). I was very upset though because I wanted him on my chest right after he came out. Because of the oxygen problem they were having, they had to take him to the baby warmer. And then they waited forever to give him to me because I had to get stitches. Needless to say, I did not get to hold him first. Ok, I'm not bitter at all. *rolls eyes* A couple hours later, we went to the mother/baby unit where we spent the next 2 days. The night we got discharged we ended up going back to the ER...see "Prayers for Baby Isaac". Now we're all doing well and my little man is cuter than ever! =)