So what was meant to be our first night with Isaac at home ended up being a horrible time at the ER/NICU. We're hoping that it's an infection and that it clears up soon with the antibiotics. And if that means him staying in the NICU, no matter how tough it is...then that's what we need to do. Please pray for our family as well as Baby Isaac that he gets better soon.
UPDATE (10/1/08 9 am): Isaac came home yesterday! Thank you so much for all the prayers everyone...they worked! They still have no idea what caused his episode. Most likely poor feeding. They treated him with 3 different antibiotics but all the cultures for infection came back negative. They did cultures on his spinal fluid, blood, and urine. They even tested him for viruses, but still negative. The biggest worry was his feeding. He couldn't get the hang of breastfeeding at I had to resort to pumping and feeding him through bottles sometimes. I really didn't want to but I just wanted him to eat. They even inserted an NG tube (nasogastric) just in case they needed to give him breastmilk...turns out they didn't need it. It was so hard seeing him being poked and prodded so many times. They had to give him an IV for his antibiotics and to give him glucose and they kept having to move it because his veins are so little...if he would have to stay one more day they would probably have to go through his belly button because they were running out of places to put it. They were also testing his glucose before each feeding. The only results we're waiting on is the newborn screen. This tests for tons of metabolic disorders. It's a possibility that he may have one that is causing his poor feeding. These can be serious depending on the disorder. The doctors don't expect anything though, and the initial reading was negative. We'll be at the hospital today for them to check him but he's doing fine from my viewpoint. He's not only breastfeeding well, but he's waking up every 2 1/2 hours on his own to eat. Trust me...I know. HAHA
I just wanted to thank everyone for their prayers. This has honestly been the hardest thing we've been through...especially when I was trying to recover myself. But somehow, God managed to give us the strength to be there for Isaac. I even stayed at the hospital in the NICU on a pullout chair for 4 nights so that I can get up and feed him (or attempt) every 3 hours. We're just so thankful and blessed to have him home now and to have such supportive friends and family! Love ya'll.